It is now official! In 130 days I fly off to the land of the midnight sun. Here is a very brief itinerary of what I have so far. The problem I have found with Alaska is that there is so much water to cover and so little time. Here is roughly how the trip will progress.
July 25th - Fly into Anchorage Alaska then head down to the Kenai Peninsula
August 5th - Start the drive on the Al-Can back to Washington
August 12th - Home in time to start packing for college
Obviously this is very empty as far as specifics. As the trip becomes closer I will be posting more details and as the trip progresses and WiFi becomes available, reports and updates.
For those who are curious these two websites have proven to be pretty valuable so far.
For general trip reports and broad information I have extensively browsed the forum. For suggestions on flys to tie, the Alaska Fly Fishing Goods website has been fantastic.
One of the most important parts of this trip is that it is done on the cheap. This will be my "senior year trip" per say. This means that we will be camping, staying with friends, I will be tying all the flys, and Ramen noodles will become a best friend.
This blog will be the trip log so that people can see what we did and potentially realize that they themselves can do alaska. Below is a running tally of the costs.
Thank you for those of you who read this blog!
Tight lines,
Trip Costs
One Way Airfare, Alaska Airlines $199
Total: $199